Saturday, June 23, 2012

Picker-upper Playlist for my Office

I'm gonna be stuck at work all summer this year. I get down just thinking about it.

But being a resourceful gal, I prefer taking action instead of letting the gloom and the doom get to me.

One of the best ways to stay in a good mood is to put together happy, fun playlists suitable for office hours. Obviously since I work in a public, governmental institution I have to be somewhat intelligent about the stuff I play in front of people.

At the same time, the Finnish government has given out directives to it's employees advising us to show a les bureaucratic side of ourselves in our work places.

Here is my playlist for this coming Monday. Let's hope I'll be able to get my colleagues and all those job seekers who will cross my path in a good mood! Don't hesitate to give me suggestions - I love fashiony music.

Donatella's Happy go Lucky Monday Mordning Job Seeker Playlist:

1. Madonna - Girl Gone Wild (Vogue remix)

2. Rihanna - S&M

3. Sade - Smooth Operator

4. Lilly Allen - F*uck you

5. Madonna - Erotica

6. Britney Spears - Slave 4 U

7. George Michael - Outside (I want your sex remix)

8. Amy Winehouse - Rehab

9. Janice Joplin - That song with the Mercedes...

10. Danii Minogue - Nasty boys & Tarty Girls

11. Janet Jackson - One Teaspoon Ain't Enough (Where the Sun Don't Shine)

12. Katy Perry - I Kissed a Girl

1 comment:

  1. You forgot Geroge Michael's "I want your sex"!
